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Snake River Shootout Tournament 10U

I am proud to be coaching this great group of kids we have on this team. We been together for almost 2 month. I see all the boys making progress in getting better as the season goes. All the boys got their first taste playing on a taveling team and I think we all learned how competive the other teams are. Espeically team who been playing in games since April from Poky and Boise area.

Uniform, how relief I am that they arrived just in time. Kelli did a fantastic job working with Primeir Athletic getting the uniform ready for our season. The kids were excited and I know they all love them and I will tell you what, the uniform looks great on them!

Thank you Amber Palmer for uploading all the great pictures of the kids in Shutterfly.

I added picture of each player in this blog and I also add a few words about each player. Please do have the kids reads the comments.

Qwinin - Qwin, you continue to get better as the season goes. Your biggest emeny in baseball, is those sunflower seeds stuffed in your pocket. Keep up the great work you do in practice, your hitting confidence has been an improvment. Remember - we need you to stay 100% focus in the game.

Cameron - You are a tough little stud on this team that says very little and take baseball serious. I want you to look back to the first day we practice, remember we worked on catching the ball without the glove? You picked up that concept quickly and we never once again had to go back to that drill. You bring a lot of toughness and you show no fear on this team. I love the fact that you got your own catcher gears. I look forward seeing you finish the season with the Rookies. I see you becoming our starting catcher next season with that passion you have in you.Catcher is the toughest positon in Baseball. As Yogi Berra said - Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical. That is 100% true for a catcher.

Wrigley - You broke the no-hitter in the second game against Kuna's hard throwing picther. Our first 9 hitters struggle getting a hit in that game, until you came up the plate to suprise the pitcher with that hit. The love of the game is in your heart and I can see that in you, please keep it up and don't give up!

Deagon - Keep hitting those balls hard. You smashed the ball in the last two games and I look forward to see you keep smashing! Good job closing out some games as a pitcher espicially against the Sluggers.

Ramsey - You continue to make kids shake their legs when they see you pitch. You give them fear from your hard throwing. Build confindence in yourself, relax and enjoy the game, the rest will take care of itself. Remember what I told you during our last game, life is full of joy and do not let the game of baseball take that joy out of your life.

Cayden/Kaden - Working at the two bag is not an easy task, however I see you both working well together covering second base. Good job grounding those ball, I see both Cayeden and Kaden making a spectullar play. Kaden had a nice catch on a hard line drive to hime and Cayden made a nice diving play on a hard grounder against the Sluggers. I look forward to see you both develop chemestry covering second base.

Isaac - I don't know if you are our clown or the motiviater for this team. It is hard to catching up with you. Everytime I turn around, there you are always have something to say to the team or me. I see the passion in you becoming a leader. I HEAR you loud and clear taking the lead during the team strech and running drill. Thanks for takig up on that role for the team!

Caleb - I am glad to have you on this team. I believe this weekend you saw how fun it is to be part of the traveling team and how serious it is. It is now time to turn on the switch and find some love in the game of baseball. This week in practice, you have stepped up and I can't wait to see you show us what you got in the next tournament.

Greyson - It was great to see you get a chance to bat this weekend. You continue to show no fear playing against kids who are two time bigger than you. Way to go!

Ian - Your last at bat against the Sluggers.....

I tried giving you the bunt sign, but I ended up giving the steal sign with runners on 2nd and 3rd base (yes coaches made a mental mistake). Tell you what, I am glad that didn't work out in my favor because you smashed that ball in the right field.

Tyler - Like Isaac, you seem to always have something to say that make the team laugh. What it is, I don't know. You always have the game face on when it time to play and when it is game time you take this serious and we need that from all of the players. Look at the game face in this picture.

Kyler - Great job catching this weekend. You have so much toughness and confidence in the catcher gears. Though you do not have any experince catching, you did a great job catching for Ramsey. I know we will continue to work with you on the techniques and teach you more about the cather's role. Like the catcher Yogi Berra said - Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical. That is true of a catcher role.

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